Moacir torres's papo amerelo
Imported from Brazil to the United States Moacir Torres Independent Publication in Portugueses
MOACIR TORRES Moacir Torres nasceu em Agudos (SP) em 1957 e reside em Indaiatuba (SP) desde 1993. Começou como desenhista na TV Cultura em 1974. Fundou em 1978 com Cláudio Feldman, no ABC Paulista, a Editora Taturana, que publicou dezenas de Livros. Trabalhou como arte-finalista para a Ed. Abril e ilustrou o suplemento “Diário Criança”, do jornal Diário Popular, de São Paulo, por cerca de dez anos. Publicou centenas de revistas de atividades, revistas em quadrinhos e livros infantis com a Turma do Gabi. Duas revistas infantis de Torres foram lançadas na Espanha e em Portugal. Atualmente ministra oficinas de desenho, ministra palestras e produz revistas de atividades, HQs e Animações da Turma do Gabi. Autor dos livros: Turma do Gabi e o Pé de Ameixas, As Aventuras do Elefantinho Kokito, História do Pequeno Gabi e Férias da Turma do Gabi no Sítio. Criador do Projeto Autores & Livros e HQ Fest Comics. Moacir Torres Moacir Torres was born in Agudos (SP) in 1957 and has lived in Indaiatuba (SP) since 1993. He started as a draftsman on TV Cultura in 1974. He founded in 1978 with Cláudio Feldman, in ABC Paulista, Editora Taturana, who has published dozens of books. He worked as a finalist for Ed. Abril and illustrated the "Diário Criança" supplement of the newspaper Diário Popular, in São Paulo, for about ten years. He has published hundreds of activity magazines, comic books and children's books with Gabi's Class. Two children's magazines by Torres were released in Spain and Portugal. He currently teaches design workshops, teaches lectures, and produces activity magazines, comics and animations from the Gabi Class. Author of the books: Gang of the Gabi and the Foot of Plums, The Adventures of the Elephant Kokito, History of the Small Gabi and Holidays of the Gang of the Gabi in the Site. Creator of the Project Authors & Books and HQ Fest Comics.
January 1995 deforestation and killing
Rampant alligators and other animals scare the Government officials, so they raise the Police contingent in these localities In this new crop of police assigned to protect the Ribeirnhos and the forests of Matogrosso and Amazonia, meet Captain Chico, a man from Pará Twenty-two years old, competent, trained in martial arts, one of the best members of the corporation Captain Chico, in a raid to reprimand and capture some alligator hunters who were acting in the swamp, sees his best friend fall lifeless in front of him. Then he gets furious, and in a thoughtless act, he shoots the two thugs. Then the police called other companions and they took the two fredio bandits to the nearest hospital where they were rescued and then sent to prison. While his lifeless friend was sent to his homeland, where he received a burial with military honors. After that tragic episode, Captiao Chico, a forest policeman much loved by the citizens and residents of Kakina, a village located on the border with the Amazon, begins to elaborate a secret plan, not forgetting any detail. He is inspired by comic book heroes from his childhood and makes a completely different and completely green outfit to make it impossible for him to be recognized by hunters, loggers and illegal prospectors in the region. From that moment on, nature, animals and the Brazilian forests gained an important and powerful ally, Paop Amarelo, who started to defend and protect them. |