<![CDATA[DAYDREAMIN COMICS STUDIO - Independent Publication Creators]]>Sun, 12 May 2024 03:40:31 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Lena Nazarei]]>Mon, 19 Jun 2023 14:25:42 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/lena-nazareiBIO:

Lena is a single mom, a full-time nurse, community theater and local horror actress, and published author. She has two energetic, talented and bright teenaged girls who keep her on her toes. When COVID-19 hit our nation, she was suddenly on the frontlines and didn't have theater as an outlet for her creativity. She used fiction writing to cope with the stresses of being a #healthcarehero and sudden teacher to homeschooled high schoolers. Her vampire romance novels are "an exciting mix of Grey's Anatomy and True Blood." Bite Shift was released in May of 2021 and its sequel Code Blood came out May 2022 (the same month she became Dr. Lena Nazarei). Then, May 2023 - the third one Fatal Curse came out and completed the trilogy! Today, she travels to cons, leads a vampire history panel and hosts her podcast "The Beautiful Dead" on podcast platforms and You Tube.


Website: www.lenanazarei.com
Email: lena@lenanazarei.com
Insta: thebeautifuldeadpodcast
<![CDATA[andre n jones]]>Sat, 17 Jun 2023 17:08:07 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/andre-n-jones
I have always been an artist. From the time I could handle a crayon, pencil or pen I was always looking for ways to express myself. It’s always been my dream to paint, sculpt, or write things that would leave a lasting impression on the world. Little did I know that there was so much more to my dream. Being the youngest of four children, when I was growing up in West Philadelphia, I was exposed to theater at the playhouse in the park and all kinds of live art from visual art exhibits to classical concerts and performance art at an early age. My mother and father were both teachers. They demanded that we speak correct English. But, my chief influence was my paternal grandmother. Mrs. Irene Jones. A retired domestic, who also was one of the first female Co-Pastors in the AME Church in Philadelphia, she instilled in me the gift of wisdom. She gave me my fascination with stories and the African Griots. She taught me about my Great grandfather and the Moors. She insisted that her maiden name, Moore, came from the Moorish people. She would teach me how to sing my pain as a story. She’d weave spirituals with old wive’s tales and history. Her knowledge, wit and home spun ability to teach lessons through story shaped a large part of my intellectual thought processes. She also left an indelible mark on my spiritual life. Through her I learned to throw a lesson along side of a story, which she attributed to the teaching style of Jesus of Nazareth. I became enthralled with how to see spiritual principles and convey them in common experiences. The journey to self-awareness had begun. The arts were a natural place for me to explore and question the world. In High school, I was an Art Major. Through the discipline of visual art I learned not only how to see and interpret but I began to have a scientific method of understanding all subjects. I began to blossom as a student. I could see relationships between abstractions of history, science and language and the present reality. I.e. I understood correlations between music and math, negative space/shape and geometry and even Shakespeare’s verse and rhyme cuplits to the command of the use of language and Standard English. Then in college, at Cheyney University, I learned how to control and manipulate both the visual art and my story telling ability as an actor under the tutelage of Edythe Scott-Bagley. It was there I learned to be intentional with how lines were delivered, how a set would be designed or crafted and how lighting affects the mood and/or weight of a scene. There, while designing sets, lighting, sound and learning the history of theater and acting, my gifts were converted into skills, which are the foundation of my artistic practice. That foundation has allowed me to be able to craft together my own theater company. It has allowed me to embrace my history, my skills set and my design. At Temple University, I had the opportunity to refine my writing skill even further. Having access to reference points, from Aristophanes to Ben Johnson and from Friedrich Schiller to Lynn Nottage, to choose from and experiment with different ways to tell a story. So now, here on my grandmother’s shoulders and my education I stand. I’ve become a singer/songwriter, poet, visual artist, playwright, actor and historic storyteller and activist. I am the legacy of my grandmother’s toil, my own exploration, research and immersion in plays and playwriting at Temple and Professor Edythe Scott-Bagley’s instruction. I have been entrusted with their wisdom, gifts and my own creativity to inform, beautify and enrich the world. That is my mission. That is my design. That is Andre N. Jones.
In a time where crime is high, murder justifies productivity, political prowess and profit, messiness requires the miraculous. Probity is preferred over prejudice. Yet, society continues to be choked by the weeds of greed, corruption and divination. As evil principalities drive humans to indulge in all things pleasure- full, the obsession of a few... An unwitting drug addicted Hero, a detective, five strangers, a Hip-hop influenced archeologist and his cantankerous best friend, along with the keeper of the eternal flame, find themselves battling for the soul of the city, they all call home. As their lives intersect, the world expands. And suddenly, the fuse of the proverbial dynamite is lit. There is no way to stop the explosive convergence of good and evil forces present in the NuBirth Comix Universe. Our first title, M introduces us to an all to familiar occurrence... The set up of an African American for a crime he did not commit, in an effort to continue the profitability of corrupt politricks, human trafficking, drug trafficking, underground sport slave rings, misogyny and much more. From there, investigations and interventions of a reborn entity and a band of misfits filled with righteous indignation, interweave a network of stories in fantastic episodes of intelligence, thrilling action and feats of extreme bravery in the face of emanant danger.
<![CDATA[Cool story bro !]]>Sun, 11 Jun 2023 10:19:49 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/cool-story-bro
Studio description
It was the passion for games and comics that brought Ihor Yashchenko and Oleksii Nesmashny together. In 2020, young enthusiasts from Ukraine launched – the COOL STORY BRO creative studio.
The focus of the studio activity is the creation and elaboration of exciting stories in different genres. The first large-scale project was the STARS CRY space opera.
Science fiction, stories about superheroes, fantasy, horror and detective stories - everyone will find something interesting in the creative works of the studio, regardless of their tastes and preferences.
The COOL STORY BRO team is a collaboration of inspired people, the geeks desiring to create and tell cool stories. Artists, sculptors, musicians, writers, board gamers and gamers share a passion and drive to bring their cool ideas to comics, toys, tabletop games, books and animation.
The studio's development prospects are far reaching and ambitious. In the future, we plan to open the COOL STORY MOVIE and COOL STORY TOYS branches.

Stars Cry comic book description
Stars Cry #1: 28 pages, soft cover 4.99$, digital copy 3,20$
Stars Cry #2: 33 pages + 3 posters, soft cover 6.99$, digital copy 4,49$
Mark Shai, son of the Commander of the Internal Troops of the Earth, was raised by the street, he is daring, smart and will full of enthusiasm. And when a surprise attack by extremists destroys his native Neopolis, he will look for those who destroyed the lives of his family and friends. It would seem to track down and destroy the enemies of humanity, the job can be done easily. But the global connection was lost exactly before the invasion... Who is behind this? What is he seeking? And what to do with the truth if it is much more terrible than claws of extremists?
<![CDATA[Moacir torres's papo amerelo]]>Sat, 20 May 2023 17:23:14 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/moacir-torress-papo-amereloImported from Brazil to the United States Moacir Torres Independent Publication in Portugueses 

Moacir Torres nasceu em Agudos (SP) em 1957 e reside em Indaiatuba (SP) desde 1993. Começou como desenhista na TV Cultura em 1974. Fundou em 1978 com Cláudio Feldman, no ABC Paulista, a Editora Taturana, que publicou dezenas de Livros. Trabalhou como arte-finalista para a Ed. Abril e ilustrou o suplemento “Diário Criança”, do jornal Diário Popular, de São Paulo, por cerca de dez anos. Publicou centenas de revistas de atividades, revistas em quadrinhos e livros infantis com a Turma do Gabi. Duas revistas infantis de Torres foram lançadas na Espanha e em Portugal. Atualmente ministra oficinas de desenho, ministra palestras e produz revistas de atividades, HQs e Animações da Turma do Gabi. Autor dos livros: Turma do Gabi e o Pé de Ameixas, As Aventuras do Elefantinho Kokito, História do Pequeno Gabi e Férias da Turma do Gabi no Sítio. Criador do Projeto Autores & Livros e HQ Fest Comics.

​ Moacir Torres Moacir Torres was born in Agudos (SP) in 1957 and has lived in Indaiatuba (SP) since 1993. He started as a draftsman on TV Cultura in 1974. He founded in 1978 with Cláudio Feldman, in ABC Paulista, Editora Taturana, who has published dozens of books. He worked as a finalist for Ed. Abril and illustrated the "Diário Criança" supplement of the newspaper Diário Popular, in São Paulo, for about ten years. He has published hundreds of activity magazines, comic books and children's books with Gabi's Class. Two children's magazines by Torres were released in Spain and Portugal. He currently teaches design workshops, teaches lectures, and produces activity magazines, comics and animations from the Gabi Class. Author of the books: Gang of the Gabi and the Foot of Plums, The Adventures of the Elephant Kokito, History of the Small Gabi and Holidays of the Gang of the Gabi in the Site. Creator of the Project Authors & Books and HQ Fest Comics.
January 1995 deforestation and killing
Rampant alligators and other animals scare the
Government officials, so they raise the
Police contingent in these localities
In this new crop of police assigned to protect the
Ribeirnhos and the forests of Matogrosso and
Amazonia, meet Captain Chico, a man from Pará
Twenty-two years old, competent, trained in martial arts, one of the best members of the corporation
Captain Chico, in a raid to reprimand and capture some alligator hunters who were acting in the swamp, sees his best friend fall lifeless in front of him. Then he gets furious, and in a thoughtless act, he shoots the two thugs. Then the police called other companions and they took the two fredio bandits to the nearest hospital where they were rescued and then sent to prison. While his lifeless friend was sent to his homeland, where he received a burial with military honors.
After that tragic episode, Captiao Chico, a forest policeman much loved by the citizens and residents of Kakina, a village located on the border with the Amazon, begins to elaborate a secret plan, not forgetting any detail.
He is inspired by comic book heroes from his childhood and makes a completely different and completely green outfit to make it impossible for him to be recognized by hunters, loggers and illegal prospectors in the region.
From that moment on, nature, animals and the Brazilian forests gained an important and powerful ally, Paop Amarelo, who started to defend and protect them.
<![CDATA[Lamier howard's project]]>Thu, 11 May 2023 23:34:39 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/lamier-howard
​Name: Lamont Johnson
Hero name: Ikari
Age: 22
Family status: Mother (deceased), Father (deceased), Brother (unknown)
Relationship: Shotzi (Girlfriend)
Powers: Rage (the angrier he gets/the longer he fights, the stronger he gets)
Bio: Born to Shaun and Kiara Johnson, Lamont Johnson was always an angry kid. After the loss of his parents, his anger grew and no one could quell his anger except for his brother. Once he lost his brother, his anger would form into that of an Oni demon who gave Lamont the power to hunt down his brother’s killer. With this power, Lamont would now be known as Ikari and he would stop at nothing to get revenge. What he doesn’t know is his brother is alive and well and Lamont was the one being hunted.
​Name: Mark Johnson
Villain name: Revenant 
Age: 20
Family status: Mother (deceased), Father (deceased), Brother (alive)
Relationship: None
Powers: Hellfire (can burn his opponents alive and use demonic weapons, his favorite being a revolver)
Bio: The younger brother of Lamont, Mark was always there to keep his older brother calm and in check. He knew without him there, his brother would go ballistic. One day when he was home alone, a strange and mythical character broke into his house and killed him. However he did not stay dead for long. Just a few days after he was buried, he woke up with power he only dreamed up. He also woke up with no memory of anything. The only thing he knew, was killing, and he’s going to start with the person who should’ve protected him. His brother Lamont. Mark, now named Revenant, knew that with this power, nothing could stop him.
​Name: KirikName: Kiriko Hirota
Hero name: Shotzi
Age: 21
Family status: Mother (deceased), Father (deceased)
Relationship: Lamont (boyfriend)
Powers: Weapon creation (can create any weapon he wants out of thin air and is an excellent markswoman)
Bio: The Hirota clan was known all throughout the world for hunting spirits and demons. Kiriko was the daughter of Akira and Fuji Hirota, the famous Japanese demon hunters. However, Kiriko never really wanted to be a demon hunter. She just wanted to be a regular kid doing regular things. That all changed when an demon invaded the Hirota clan and killed every single member including Kiriko’s parents. Since then, she made a vow to kill every single demon she sees. She even nearly killed Lamont and his Oni demon. However, after realizing how good of a person Lamont was and that his Oni demon wasn’t as bad as she thought it was, she agreed to spare the both of them and even accompany him on his quest to find his brother’s killer, eventually falling for him as well.
​Name: King Oni
Hero name: N/A
Age: Thousands of years old
Family status: N/A
Relationship: N/A
Powers: Rage (all of Lamont’s power comes from him)
Bio: Born from Lamont’s rage, King Oni has been manifesting inside of Lamont since the day he saw his parents die. That rage constantly got worse and worse and he knew it was only a matter of time before Lamont could no longer hold his rage. So when he saw he brother dead, Lamont’s rage finally boiled over. King Oni was finally unleashed. At first, he was simply going to use Lamont’s body as a vessel for his power. However, as time went on, he realized Lamont wasn’t evil or anything. He was a good person. Something Oni wasn’t used to seeing. So he agreed to give his power to Lamont in exchange for using his body to hold his power. With this, their souls would be intertwined and nothing would stop them
​Name: Urizen
Hero name: N/A
Age: Unknown
Family status: Unknown
Relationship: Unknown
Powers: Unknown (rumored to have no limits on any powers)
Bio: Not much is known about Urizen. His origins is shrouded in mystery. What is known about him is that he is very powerful. While the limits of his power is unknown, it is rumored to be infinite. He can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants and he knows no one can stop him. So when it’s revealed that he was the one who killed Mark and turned him into Revenant, Lamont had no idea. But at that point he didn’t care. He would get revenge on him for what he did to his brother. However, with the power Urizen possesses, that may not be possible.
Bio: Lamont was always an angry child. From the day he was born, he had an anger inside he he could never truly get rid of. Even when he was happy, he was angry. The only time he truly didn’t feel angry was when he was with younger brother, Mark. The two lived together and were the only ones there for each other since they lost both of their parents at a young age and they never really had friends. It was always just the two of them. So when Lamont came home and saw his brother, murdered, in their living room, he completely lost it. His anger was too much and he finally met the source of his anger, King Oni. Oni allowed Lamont to channel his rage and turn it into a weapon. With these new powers, Lamont, who now goes by Ikari (Japanese word for rage), promised his brother he would hunt down his killer and avenge him. What he didn’t expect was that not only did his brother get revived, but he got to his killer as well. And now, Mark (who now goes by Revenant), is being controlled to go and kill his brother. The question is, who is controlling him?

Instagram:  diodidnothingwrong1

Email:  lamierhoward8@gmail.com
<![CDATA[Jabaar brown's undeground comixxxx  spring season collection 2023]]>Sun, 26 Feb 2023 00:11:16 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/jabaar-browns-undeground-comixxxx-spring-season-collection-2023Jabaar Brown
Artist Biography:
Underground Comixxx is the conception of Jabaar L. Brown. Born in Wilmington, Delaware in 1972, Jabaar has been drawing since the age of 4. Jabaar was diagnosed as a young child with epilepsy. Back then there were stigmatism’s attached to the illness that caused Jabaar to spend more time in the house than most children, so he drew and drew….and drew some more. Since getting organized 2 years ago, Underground Comixxx has self published 4 comics. After feeling out the comic business, Jabaar quickly picked up on a missing component in the industry, organization and solidarity among the independent artist. He saw a need to compile artist and publish them in a Preview Book. 1 year ago the first UGC Revolution Magazine was created. Three issues later Revolution Magazine has featured 10 different artists and writers in an effort to cross promote other independents. He has been working with Young@Art and the Creative Vision Factory in Wilmington as a teaching artist for the past year, ad has recently joined the teaching staff at Pegasus ArtWoks; BGCDE!

Artist Statement:
My comics are a combination of fantasy and cultural history deeply rooted with family values. I find my self referencing history such as The Civil Rights Movement and The Black Panther Party. By creating my comics I have a way to reproduce faces that look like my own with powers that are super human. I typically use a #2 pencil and black fine point sharpie. I create comics for 3 reasons, to teach, to inspire and to entertain. If I can give someone a temporary escape then maybe they will gain the strength to find their own way.
<![CDATA[alturas productions]]>Fri, 02 Dec 2022 23:53:27 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/alturas-productions
With ground breaking storytelling, ready to fly out and spread its wings, the recently established Alturas Productions hit the ground running in 2020. It joins a generation of film-makers who follow their creative passion, and embrace a hungry hearted audience seeking newly born ideas. 

We are keen to collaborate within our projects with organizations/groups that seek to protect the planet and its beings. 

Founder: Célia Alturas
 ASLEEP, Short FilmBest Drama Short at Gold Star Movie Awards,
Best Actress at Festigious, Los Angeles,
Silver award at Hollywood Gold Awards,Finalist at New York Movie Awards, 
and other nominations and official selections

By Hugo Folgado, Célia Alturas.
Screenplay: Célia Alturas
Original Music: Zé Pedro Alfaiate
​Makeup artist: Susana Mathias Gomes With: Célia Alturas, Eduardo Ribeiro, Maya Booth, Norman MacCallum, Zé Pedro.
 "When you are asleep in reality and awake in dreams" A woman decides to confess her true feelings to a psychologist, even though her confession is honest and believable, her behaviour is completely different when she faces the real social system.

<![CDATA[We are erivic productions]]>Fri, 25 Nov 2022 02:30:57 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/we-are-erivic-productions
<![CDATA[Emir Ribeiro 's Velta series]]>Fri, 16 Sep 2022 08:54:10 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/emir-ribeiro-s-velta-seriesBIOGRAFIAI
​Emir Ribeiro niciou seus trabalhos com quadrinhos desde cedo (7-8 anos), fazendo histórias para o círculo familiar e amigos próximos. Em 1973, aos 14 anos, criou e lançou Velta, sua criação maior, no jornal mural O Comunicador, do Colégio Estadual de Jaguaribe.
Em 1975 começou a publicar nos jornais A União e O Norte, de circulação estadual, lançando outros personagens, além de Velta, como o índio Itabira (1975, em parceria com seu pai, Emilson Ribeiro), a andróide Nova e[O Desconhecido Homem de Preto (estes dois últimos em 1976). Em 1978 começou a editar revistas por conta própria e colocá-las nas bancas de três estados nordestinos. Editou cerca de quinze revistas independentes, sendo o mais recente o álbum 25 anos de Velta (1998).
Em 1980 começou a publicar quadrinhos no jornal O Correio da Paraíba, também de circulação estadual. No decorrer da carreira, participou de várias exposições em João Pessoa, PB, em outros estados como São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, e na Europa (França). Entre 1985 e 1991, publicou diversos trabalhos da linha erótica e terror em editoras de São Paulo, como Press/Maciota, Nova Sampa e ICEA.
Em 1989, escreveu, dirigiu, atuou e produziu o vídeo O Desconhecido Homem de Preto, sobre o personagem lançado em jornais paraibanos em 1976. O filme teve boa repercussão local e nacional, tendo sido comentado pela revista de cinema Cinemix, o programa Documento Especial, da TV Manchete-Rio, o jornal Folha de S. Paulo e foi exibido em grandes eventos de quadrinhos, como a I Bienal Internacional de quadrinhos do Rio de Janeiro.
Em 1993 começou a fazer trabalhos para editoras dos Estados Unidos, na trilha do seu conterrâneo Deodato Borges Filho, o Mike Deodato Jr. , em personagens conhecidos como O Incrível Hulk e Os Vingadores, ou pouco conhecidos como GloryAvengelyne, Prophet e Os Protetores, entre outros.
A maioria dos trabalhos exportados tem sido como arte-finalista fantasma, onde não lhe foi dado o devido crédito, por parte dos editores e, em algumas ocasiões, levou a "alcunha" de Deodato Studios. Naquele mesmo ano de 1993, produziu o segundo vídeo: A volta do Homem de Preto, que chegou a ser exibido na TV Cultura de Minas Gerais.
Publicou história colorida de Velta na revista Metal Pesado #6 e, ultimamente, teve uma revista formatinho com Velta, lançada pela editora Escala (2002), o álbum Velta contra o Devorador (Opera Graphica, 2002), o livro História da Paraíba em Quadrinhos (independente, 2003) e o outro álbum 30 anos de Velta (Opera Graphica, 2003).
Em 2013 lançou o livro "Fantasmagorias de R. F. Lucchetti", um livro de contos do mestre da literatura de gênero no Brasil, Rubens Francisco Lucchetti. Por esse trabalho, Emir foi finalista do prêmio Jabuti 2014, na categoria melhor livro ilustrado.[

<![CDATA[Mário Vasconcelos- The SinKiller]]>Mon, 08 Aug 2022 23:40:09 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/independent-publication-creators/mario-vasconcelosI’m Mário Vasconcelos aka MarV.
I’ve been doing exhibitions for 20 years and an Illustrator for 10.
I had comics at home since i was a kid. My father had a bunch of them, specially european comics and a few Marvel Comics too. I was too young to understand who those publishers were but I remember some of the super hero issues he had.
I was born near Paris, France but my parents sent me to Portugal for good at 11. I was going back and forth till that age.
My neighbor Ivo, told me when he knew that i was reading Disney at the time that, those comics were for kids. So he introduced me to Marvel and DC.
That’s when i wanted to draw cool stuff.
My passion for comics made me look for my favorite artists and learn drawings techniques  on YouTube. I’ve found Proko and my biggest inspiration: Jeff Lafferty.
Watching his comic The Beserkonaut being born on his channel, made me create The Sin Killer.
A couple of years ago imhad the honor of having my first comic book credit thanks to Randy Zimmerman, editor of Arrow Comics 4.0 with a 8 page story for the Revolt anthology .
I’ve launched my first Indiegogo campaign a few months after my buddies from work helped me to get an IPad Pro, so i could finish my comic The Sin Killer- Revelation.
Now, I’m  doing a 4 issue miniseries. Gabriel, Ripper of Souls is the first one and it will be printed soon.
I have a drawing show on the Ragin´2 Indie Comics Network YouTube channel, with my friend and Editor of Faeries and Ents, Mike Jimmy Lortia de Bruin.
Thank you for taking your time reading this and i hope to see you on a stream or chat sometime.
