<![CDATA[DAYDREAMIN COMICS STUDIO - 2020 -2022 Interviews]]>Sun, 12 May 2024 03:37:50 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Shantel Patu- Spoken word samples]]>Sun, 09 Oct 2022 16:35:07 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/shantel-patu-spoken-word-samples​My Bio
Shantel Patu is an entrepreneur, writer and designer. As a beginning writer with only a few
publications under her belt, Shantel authors for a reputable blog on couple&#39;s relationships and
for nonprofit newsletters, enabling them to tell humanistic and relatable stories to expand a
deeper understanding of people, in their fields, which helps to both grow and manage their
business relationally.
Shantel has a BA in Business Administration with a focus on Project Management and is
currently working on her Masters in Psychology. In her spare time, aside from her passion for
writing, she lends her ear to others as a Life Coach.
In a former life, Shantel was an Executive Director of a Nonprofit organization and Director over
an affluent preschool program. She is a wife of 30+ years to an amazing man and mother to
four beautiful prodigies and one beautiful granddaughter, as well a host of godchildren who was
graciously bestowed up her throughout her and her husband&#39;s life. Her hobbies include
painting, crafting, event planning, interior design, and graphic design.
As a passionate and detail-oriented industry professional, Shantel enjoys approaching complex
projects with a holistic approach. A large part of her success while working with people stems
from her ability to cultivate an intuitive understanding of their needs, and spearhead the project
from there. Have a look at the work she’s done in the past, and get in touch to learn more.
&quot;I lick my arm, it's salty but doesn';t taste brown, so I question does color have taste
Or is it just another flavor of humanity but watered down...";
I want to open my eyes, to try and picture with my mind, a time, when my feet, carefully, allowed
me to walk freely across the ground. I think of this time frozen, imagining, and then reimagining,
what the free thought of absolution feels like. I shutter from the wave of power that reverberates
through my body at the mere thought. I decide to continue to walk, pressing an unseen
boundary, daring resistance from anyone or anything. My chin juts forward, chest feels with
pride at my decision making, my uncoveted, unrepentant thoughts to... choose. With our care or
cause... free thinking, the taste of our makes me salivate. I close my eyes again, listening.
Fear causes me to stop on my tracks, to look around, silence... as I notice the tiny hairs on my
neck stand to attention. My gut clenches, sweat beads up on my forehead..my mouth drys. I
drop low, laying onto the ground, my breath adjudication the dust every a bit, so I hold it. Not
breathing feels natural. I've down it so often it';s second nature. My ears pick up the direction of
the imminent danger heading my way. I slither on my belly further into the brush effortlessly,
making sure not to bring any attention to myself. I look up and see brown petrified eyes staring
down at mine. We our eyes meet and we know, we both know. She wasn;t paying attention, she
didnt realize where she was, or she forgot the consequences of being caught on the road
without pass. She left herself vulnerable. Tears steam down her face as she is snatched into the
road, &quot;what are you doing, girl? Where do you think you are going? "Where your day pass?"
Slap. She's struck before she can even answer. "What did I say?"; There's 3 of them. 2 on a
horse and 1 standing in the road barking questions. She starts to stammer and is struck again,
this time with a riders crop across the cheek. The crop cuts into the soft flesh of her cheek with
force that busts it wide open, causing a tear and blood pours out down her face. &quot;Where are you
suppose to be?&quot; He smacks her again knocking her to the ground, her fruits from her basket
tumble on to the road. She'll be beaten for that too, if she makes to back to the plantation. One
of the men looks in my direction and my heart stops. I ;ll feel woozy because of been holding my
breath for so long. He passes his glaze over me and tells the other men it&#39;s getting late. It ain;t
too late, I only need 5 minutes, he sneers looking at the bent over young girl, she can't be no
more than 12 years old. I want to help but I know there;s no way to help. I watch behold as the
staff the girl off into the woods, she doesnt even scream, she knows it only makes it worse.
My dad walked out the door and didn't look back. As he had many, many times before. I
watched as he disappeared down the street, oblivious to my devastation. He always left.
Promised to return. Leaving me to feel awkward, intrusive and homeless. Again. I waited
hoping he'd;d just... look back. He didn't. I looked around seeing no one else. I was alone. The
weight of it felt heavier, then out of no where, the spirit of loneliness just punched me, square in
the gut. Abandoned...like a repeat orphan. I stumbled back from the realization and then sat
down and feeling myself give in to the emptiness. Pitifully, I succumbed, spiraling.
Then...I felt her. I knew her presence immediately, because it welcomed me. My gram. My
benefactress. I felt her reach for me, not with her arms but with her heart. Her love enveloped

me and reminded me that she had always been there and that she'd always be. I looked up into
her warm brown eyes. Eyes that constantly seen the nemesis of my pain and yet in still would
mine my heart for truth and reciprocation. She rest her eyes on mine and reassured me that
she&#39;d never leave. Her eyes spoke so much into the silence that it screamed into my ears. And
I knew instantly that she spoke the truth. She taught me in that moment to never look back and
to always look forward. And that with her by my side, I;d always be home.
Have you ever screamed and no one turned around or even acknowledged that they heard
you? Have you ever stumbled and fell down and didn't have anyone stop and check on you?
You ever think you would watch someone watch you die and do nothing to help you...
Oh no... here we go, they called the police. Why would I use a fake 20 bill? I don't have the
patience to deal with this right now. I can already hear the sirens. I walk outside and I&#39;m
immediately confronted by 4 police officers. I wonder how do they decide how much backup is
needed for a counterfeit dollar bill call. Excuse me officers, there's been a mis... hands up, get
on the ground, another officer says, hands up turn around, and the are all pointing their guns at
me. I&#39;m confused by the show of force and multiple commands and it disorientates me. I take a
step forward in distress and I'm tackled to the ground. My mind is processing the threat and it
doesn't want to cooperate. Immediately I realize they can kill me. Flashes of black men,
women, and children killed by the police play through my mind like a bad movie reel. My arms
are being pulled out of their sockets and my face is being grinded into the concrete, drawing
blood, the pain is intense. Im trying to speak but two of the officers are pinning me down.
Officer, I finally get out the words, officer, but he puts his knee on my neck and there other
officer has his knees in my back. I can;t fucking breath, panic and terror cause me to try and
buck my back so that I can breathe, struggling for air, I try again to talk to the officers, I can't
breathe, officer. My eyes are bulging outta my faceband the concrete is grating skin off my
cheeks and forehead as I try to position myself to find air. Panic ensues, full survival mode, I'm
pleading, begging to breath. My chest is collapsing and my throat wants to explode to find
stone oxygen. My kids flash through my mind. I think quickly back over the days events trying
understand how I got here and I'm immediately reminded that I need air. People around me are
yelling and screaming but no one is helping. Someone is filming. Good, then think then people
will know how I died. But I don';t want to die. I don't want to die, it';s ringing in my ears. How long
can you go without oxygen? Momma, I want my mom. I'll see her soon... but I don't wanna....

I turn around, startled by the opening of the door, and I find myself, staring at my future self, standing directly across from me. I gasp in shock and stumble into the nearest chair. She sits down in a chair a short distance in front of me. A strange melodramatic nostalgia saturates the room as we just look at each other, taking in our similar features.  We both settle on a small scar that etched across our chins as if to validate our homogeneous thoughts. 

She's gained quite a bit of weight but I notice with admiration that she still has that childlike twinkle in her hazel eyes.  I'm confused, wondering if what I am seeing is real as she raises her eyes in a feeble attempt to keep me from freaking out. She raises one small finger to her mouth, "Shhhhhhh..." she whispers. 
When I walked into the room I was unsure of what I would initially say to my younger self. I approach her door and with a moment of trepidation I decide not to knock and just quietly barge in.  

Her back is turned from me but as if she senses my presence sher turns meeting my eyes. A small gasp of such registers across her small brow and she slightly collapses into the brown chair next to her. I instantly notice her perfect petite frame.  God how I missed my body and I wish I had appreciated it more. Her hair is relaxed and I see that she's still dying it jet black. I see her eyes widening and I raise my finger to tell her not to scream. But I know that she won't, so I just say, "Shhhh..."

Yes, to put it simply, I'm here. I'm really here. Im here to explain what marriage really means, because I remember all too well, your fairy- tale ideology, that marriage is simply about a beautiful wedding and then fast forward to your happily ever after. 

I know it's a shock to see me.  Who'd have thought it was possible and yet here I am.   I'm not here as a warning, I'm here as a opportunity, or merely think of me as your sponsor. Because you were definitely an overly hopeful, "happily-ever after" addict.

Wth your dreams of a man riding in on a white horse, or knight in shining armor were only figments of an animated, imagination and I just want to take some time to talk to you about what's real.

I want you let you on a secret if you will.  A moment in time, to give you a gift, the gift of a second chance. 

You are still so young, at only 22 years old. And here you already have a small beautiful child, own your home, and you have a wonderful man, who hasn't quite discovered how great either of you are just yet. You should feel proud and accomplished. I know when I look back I'm definitely proud of you. 

Nevertheless, I specifically came back to talk to about fear.  You see although you survived a lot of abuse and neglect, your traumatized. Your traumas have caused significant damage and created a source for constant anxieties to thrive. Such as your fear of being a victim,a fear of someone thinking they can take you away.  And other fears, like your fear of intimacy, of getting in trouble or making mistakes, your fear of not knowing enough information or being looked at as stupid, and mainly your feat of not being good enough and of not being lovable.

I know you. I probably better then anyone really knows you. I know how hard you try to be perfect. I know how hard you work to be accepted.  How much you feel you don't and can't possibly fit in anywhere, with anyone.  And I know you think that if you achieve genuine happiness it means that it will be the end of your life. But you don't have to be afraid.  You can be accepted and you are more than loveable. 

You are beginning a journey into a life of love and hardship, joy and sadness, peace and war, abundance and strife. Your life will be wrought with moments of destitution and incredible successes. And I wouldn't have you try to change any off it (except please buy Amazon stock asap and change your Sam's Club membership to Costco, trust me Sam's Club will fail us). You will learn so much from the experiences that luving this life will teach you. 

I would just encourage you, as your sponsor, to ditch your unhealthy addictions earlier.  To see life through the eyes of someone who choses to actually live. Find "Life in every breath". Leave behind the acts of fear that cause you to bury yourself and hide away all that is great in you. 

Now about thiis young man you have chosen.  You have chose wisely. He is one of the great ones. He is going to be amazing.  You were right to be attracted to his high levels of intelligence, and his cautious, careful approach to tasks. And that great sense of humor, you will laugh every day of your life.  He will hold you close when you feel lost and afraid.  He will trust your guidance and seek your counsel. Hr will treasure you. 

But it will take some time. You will both have to learn to grow up and embrace the art of communication.  You will find an amazing woman, who will introduce you both to techniques that teach you positive behavioral responses that enable you overcome many marital obstacles. You'll learn principles about communicating and methods for dealing with conflict that you'll even align with your body of work. These tools will price invaluable. 

Your marriage will become a beacon of hope for many couples, some around the world. But, it will take time.  Time that can be shortened if you heed many words and remember my visit, starting today, your wedding day. You can be so much more if you start by shedding the heavy, unsightly cloak of fear. 

Your story needs to be heard through the ears of faith and not through fear.  Fear prematurely ends stories. It changes the narrative and demands surrender.  It turned heroes into cowards and strengths into weakness. It both clouds and casts judgment. It slowly takes away the essence of who you really are. It highlights scarcity and inflates the balloon of false pride.  You are not what you've been through. Your truth and destiny lie in where you are going. So go far.  Dream often.  Fear not.

I will tell you that you are going to have a beautiful family, a legacy of serving others and a connection to your husband that it's unbreakable. But your life will start when you can begin to see yourself whole. Life is not just about what you know or have learned, it's about how well you can see how to live.  Do live "Life in every breath" and do it fearlessly.

So that said, here's a few pointers that I feel if you were to learn now you'd save me and our husband a lot of time in therapy. 

#1) Never stop dreaming together. I say this because it is a huge source of connectivity for you both in our relationship.  This activity allows for major creativity and brims with entrepreneurial opportunities. 

#2.) Take better care of your health. Eat better and get into a fitness program or routine.  Quit complaining and taking for granted your amazing body. Spend less time worrying about how you wish you looked and spend more time loving yourself. 

#3) Spend less time yelling, you can be heard even in moments of silence.

#4) Enjoy spending time with yourself. I didn't discover this until we were in our forties.  I missed all that time just enjoying who you were and dreaming about who'd we be.

#5) Keep your childlike twinkle in your eyes.  It will bode you well and keep you and others laughing. You are funny, stay that way. 

#6.) Spend more time just bewithin the moment with your young children, they really do grow up fast. Parenting isn't a race, it's a journey.  It doesn't end when their 18, it begins challenges you in different ways, however you'll never get their little inquisitive faces back, so enjoy while you can. 

#7) Always spend time talking to your husband.  It gives you both life.  Have patience for teachable moments and keep laughing, it really is medicine for the heart.

#8) Keep making space for passion and intimacy.  Keep being intriguing and spontaneous.  These moments keep you both connected.

#9) Challenge yourself often, don't sit in the same place, be different, choose different, regularly is your enemy. 

#10) Trust the process.  Everything good and bad happen for a reason, even when you can't understand it. You keep believing and trusting in the process.  There's is always another side and a way to go through. 

Well, it's time for me to head back. These moments were such a unique opportunity. Thank you for having a listening ear. It's amazing that that through the power of unique imaginative technology, I was able to come back and share my heart with you. I loved seeing you and please take these words with you for always.  I love you. 
<![CDATA[Shelly Santiago]]>Sun, 09 Oct 2022 16:21:22 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/shelly-santiago

Hello World !

Today we Visit a Cosplayer in our 2022 Interview ?

Shelly Santiago So Shelly Santiago, tell us about yourself?

Well Shelly Santiago you can find me on socials such as: Facebook: EastCoastPowerRangers Instagram: eastcostpowerrangers Twitter: LadyGreenRanger Tiktok: LadyGreenRanger

I'm a former martial arts combatine.. I still practice martial arts just not competitively.. And of course I'm a Cosplayer.

What is it that you exactly do in Cosplay?

I do what cosplayers do, live their childhood dream and become the heroes they've always wanted a be.. who has sat I'm front of the TV yelling I'm that "superhero".. I just chose to as an adult to finally become one. I love being able to make ideas/ characters come to life. Where can we find your Shows on Youtube? You can find me on Kombat in the grid (link below)

I've also have been featured in sideprojektpodcast What was your inspiration? I have tons of inspirations my first SUPERMAN , Mighty morphin Power Rangers (Tommy) and the one and only Bruce Lee. But I honestly want to inspire others. What is your target audience? Honestly my target audience is everyone and anyone who wants to become a Cosplayer it doesn't matter if you're big, small, brown, black, white, gay, straight, anyone can become the hero/character they want to be .. What is your dreams? To become someone's inspiration What is this project about ? Kombat in the grid is and fan series project in which Power Rangers have a unique crossover with Mortal Kombat. This project was made through the Hearts and Soul, Blood, Sweat and Tears of SuperFans Cosplayers of all shapes and sizes. We've Honestly become a COSFAMILY.

<![CDATA[Zee BEE]]>Sun, 09 Oct 2022 16:18:13 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/october-09th-2022

Hello World!

This 2022 Interview we archive Zee bee, an African American Female Anime Artist

Zee Bee:

Give us a Bio: Who is Zee Bee?
• Well I’m Jamaican and Panamanian and label myself as an Afrolatina artist. I always grew up having a deep fascination with anime (thanks to my older cousin who is also an artist and anime lover himself). He put me onto a lot of different series and I was really drawn to all the different cool anime styles and stories there were out there. I can say that anime truly shaped my art styles. And as I grew, I dabbled a little bit in reading some manga but not really a lot. I’d say I’ve definitely watched more anime than read manga in my lifetime! But I decided to just give it a whirl in creating my own because I just always loved to tell stories in my youth as well as draw. So I figured why not put two of those amazing things together!

Tell us a Synopsis of your Anime Project?
• Ruby and Rosa’s world is quite the complicated one, especially since they accidentally end up in another one! But their original Earth is riddled with war between two specific races: Shadow Demons and Uciine. Initially both races lived in peace, but after discovering that Uciine people could unlock a lot of power potential in Shadow Demons, they quickly started killing them off and taking their Ucen Gems for themselves (which are 3 gems built within an Uciine’s chest that possesses various special powers). You can think of the Uciine as almost super evolved humans with unique powers. But long story short, some greedy, evil Shadow Demons who were clearly power-hungry decided to start this whole Shadow-Ucen war, which resulted in a lot of kids becoming orphans as their parents/families were killed off in the mayhem on both sides. That’s why SUVA (Shadow-Ucen Vessel Academy) was created. Essentially it’s a giant organization made for Shadow Demons who believe the killing off the Uciine is wrong and yearn to protect them. It’s a super large unit made to protect the rest of the surviving Uciine people and there they all fight together to stop more innocents from being savagely murdered. But that also comes with a price. Even though they’re all working together to protect one another, they’re not allowed to have any romantic relationships with each other (solely because a mixed offspring of both Uciine and Shadow Demon DNA could result in creating a very catastrophic being). So it is mandatory that all Shadow Demons and Uciine refrain from any type of relationship like that other than fighting partners and friendship. But that’s where Ruby and Rosa’s struggles start. They’re not allowed to be together romantically but they still try to keep it under wraps and make it work regardless. Also if you’re questioning “Well they’re lesbians and can’t create an offspring together anyway.” That’s where you’re wrong. In my world, they actually can because Shadow Demons (both male and female) can impregnate a partner. And no, the Shadow Demon women do not have “you know whats”. They have 100% female anatomy. Basically, if a Shadow Demon female is romantically involved with another Shadow Demon female, one of them can perform a powerful spell ritual on the other that mixes both of their DNA to impregnate their partner. So Ruby can do that as well. Rosa cannot though so only Ruby would be able to impregnate her in the future and not the other way around. But hey! I haven’t even gotten to that part in the series yet!

How hard is it to be taken serious as a Female African American artist breaking through in Anime?
I guess at first it was a challenge because I was originally just doing this for fun and would criticized on what kind of “technical” things I should do when making comics. But honestly, I just had a story to tell so I wanted to do it my own way without any rules. So I took the criticism but at the end of the day I still kept my way of making comics authentic to myself and how I wanted to make them.

How did you gain such a Huge Social Media Audience?
It just came from years of sharing my work publicly and interacting with my fans and other artists out there. I think as an artist it’s so important to interact instead of just simply sharing your work. Interactions build a stronger bond to your work so that’s why I always make sure to show other artists love and respond to all of my fans’ comments/messages.

What is your Target Audience?
Since my comic is heavily LGBT, my main audience would be LGBT and minorities, but I’d also say it’s a universal comic series that can be enjoyed by any and everyone so I don’t want to set any limitations to who can read it. I can say that my fans range from straight to LGBT and from several different ethnicities across the world.

What’s your publication goals?
The comic is strictly web-based for now but eventually I’d love to have it printed and sold in stores. I’d also love for it to be translated in many different languages since the series is embraced worldwide.


What inspires Zee Bee ; her Influences growing up as far as Artist and Books?
I was mostly inspired by anime because I enjoyed the art and stories. I didn’t read too many comics/manga growing up but that didn’t intimidate me from starting my own. I just pretty much went with the flow and learned different comic/manga techniques along the way. That’s how my art and series was able to really evolve over time.


What is your Dream?
My biggest dream is to have my series adapted into an anime series. I know it’s a big dream but I also know it’s not impossible (even if I have to animate it myself). That’s why I’ve also been working so hard to improve my animation skills.

Please give us a Sample of your Work?

<![CDATA[NICOLE SIXX]]>Sat, 25 Jun 2022 13:40:34 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/nicole-sixx
<![CDATA[naseed gifted]]>Sat, 25 Jun 2022 13:33:18 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/naseed-gifted
<![CDATA[Jake Young]]>Sat, 25 Jun 2022 13:26:04 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/jake-young
<![CDATA[Roland mann]]>Sun, 18 Jul 2021 13:52:53 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/roland-mann
<![CDATA[Northern wind production]]>Sun, 18 Jul 2021 13:51:55 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/northern-wind-production
<![CDATA[Jabaar brown]]>Sun, 18 Jul 2021 13:50:12 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/jabaar-brown
<![CDATA[Arijit bhattacha.....]]>Sun, 18 Jul 2021 13:48:46 GMThttp://daydreaminstudios.org/2020--2022-interviews/arijit-bhattacha